STAFF and volunteers at Newton Abbot Museum are celebrating the second anniversary of moving to their new location by revealing record-breaking visitor numbers.

The old facility in Devon Square would usually attract between between 2,000 - 2,500 people in a full year.

This August alone, with the museum now in Newton’s Place, Wolborough Street, almost 1,700 filed through the doors.

Throughout 2022 so far the number nearly tops 10,000 and since opening in October 2020 the grand total stands at 16,300.

The astonishing figures have been achieved despite the lockdown imposed shortly after opening, and then having to limit numbers when pandemic restrictions began to ease.

Curator Dr Charlotte Dixon, who took over from long-standing colleague Felicity Cole in June 2021, said the statistics vindicated the Town Council’s decision to acquire and restore the former Victorian church.

‘We are absolutely thrilled that so many people have chosen to visit and offer heartfelt thanks to all those who have made the move such a success, not least Felicity who dedicated more than 30 years to the museum,’ she said.

‘The old site was charming but inadequate for the size of our collection.

‘At Newton’s Place we’re able to display so much more, and we’ve room to arrange special events and offer tailored visits for people with different needs.

‘Taking on an old and dilapidated building was a bold move by Newton Abbot Town Council but what they’ve achieved is remarkable.

‘So many more people are now able to explore and enjoy their history and that’s a great thing to offer.

‘The fact that entry is free and there are also community rooms in Newton’s Place, only further cements its growing reputation as one of the town’s finest assets.’

Mayor Cllr Carol Bunday said: ‘The Town Council knew residents wanted a better museum and I’m delighted we were able to deliver as requested.

‘Clearly, it’s getting a terrific reception, the reviews on Trip Advisor, Facebook and Google are fantastic with staff and volunteers often mentioned for their welcoming attitude.

‘I congratulate everyone on a wonderful first two years, we couldn’t be more proud of them.’


► Since January 9,722 people visited

► 6,894 to the museum as visitors (5,071 adults, 1,823).

► 752 to the Tower (610 adults, 142 children)

► 2076 visitors for events, schools, groups and Friends of the Museum (969 adults, 1107 children) – this includes 652 school children who came to the museum or were visited at their school by a member of staff so far this year.


► 1,105 adults

► 583 children

Grand total since opening in October 2020 - 16,300 visitors