SEVEN-YEAR-OLD Bobbie Major braved the scissors to have 12 inches of her platinum blonde hair cut off to help children suffering from cancer.

The youngster, from Ashburton, had previously refused to have even a trim, despite mum Shona being a hairdresser.

But she went ahead with the big chop, along with best friend Felicity Hardwick, six, raising more than £1,000 in the process.

Both girls’ shorn locks are being donated to the Little Princess Trust which will use the hair in wigs which are given to girls being treated for cancer who have lost their own.

Shona, who works at Ash Hair Designs in Ashburton, explained: ‘Bobbie has always been very reluctant to have her hair cut so I was very surprised when she came home from school to say she wanted it all cut off.

‘I really thought she wouldn’t go through with it and wouldn’t collect any sponsorship money until she had just in case.

‘But she did, which was a massive step for her. And she loves her new style, she’s over the moon.’