HOW does your garden grow?

Extremely well, according to members of Kingskerswell and District Garden Society.

The society meets once a month throughout autumn, winter and spring at the village community centre, and their annual autumn show, held at Kingskerswell Village Hall last weekend, is very much the highlight of the year.

The hall was transformed into a miniature Chelsea Flower Show with an abundance of stunning colourful blooms , fruit and vegetables, plus home-cooked produce and craft items on display.

‘Despite the unseasonal summer weather this year our members have done really well with some amazing flowers, vegetables and fruit,’ said society chair Sandra Dunford

‘We had 360 individual exhibits this year which is astounding and the judges certainly had some tough decisions to make.

‘Naturally myself and the committee must extend a huge thank you to all those who contributed to the show - exhibitors, judges, the volunteers and sponsors and everyone who turned up on the day.’

Kingskerswell and District Garden Society Autumn Show
An array of prize-winning tomatoes (Steve Pope/MDA)
Kingskerswell and District Garden Society Autumn Show. Society chair Sandra Dunford
Society chair Sandra Dunford admires some of the floral displays (Steve Pope/MDA)
Kingskerswell and District Garden Society Autumn Show
Hair-raising eggs-hibit created by youngsters for the Show. (Steve Pope/MDA)
Kingskerswell and District Garden Society Autumn Show
Prize-winning vegetables awaiting inspection (Steve Pope/MDA)
Kingskerswell and District Garden Society Autumn Show
An orange elephant in the junior categories of show. (Steve Pope/MDA)