AN AMAZING £1,029 has been raised by Torbay Hospital League of Friends with their annual bed push along Torquay sea front

Heading off from the Grand Hotel they got off to a great start when, for the second year running, Harbour Gifts and Antiques emptied their tips tin containing £84.47 into the collection bucket.

The hospital bed, with a giant teddy bear on board, was pushed round the circular course three times, by doctors, nurses and League volunteers

Vice President and Special Events Co-Ordinator Dave Rogers said: ‘Once again the people of Torquay did us proud.

‘It’s always one of our favourite events – especially when the sun shines.  As well as filling our buckets with their loose change, holidaymakers and locals alike were very interested in the work we do.

‘Despite cash going out of fashion, the generous public dug deep into their pockets and bags to make the event a great success’.