The ‘Cuddly Toy Gang’, who run the Charity Bingo each month at Ashcombe Village Hall, recently held a special Christmas session, which saw 70 people turn out in support.
During the evening they were able to make their second donation of the year, to five local charities.
Dawlish Community Transport received £500, and AIMs, the Strand Centre in Dawlish, Talking Newspapers and St Nectan’s Church in Ashcombe, each received £250 - making a total of £1500.

Since starting the bingo, a total of £7500 has been raised.
A spokesperson for the ‘Gang’ expressed her thanks to all the people who regularly attended, as well as Tom Hunt who helps organise the sessions, Sara Cartright, the caller, Matt who looks after the bar and last but not least, Frank and Carol Waister for providing the refreshments.
Sessions will continue in January on the first Wednesday of every month, starting at 7.30pm, with eyes down at 8.00pm.