NEWTON Abbot Fire Station has welcomed its newest recruit.
Station 28 took ‘great pleasure’ in announcing firefighter (FF) Charlie Plyer’s appointment.
FF Plyer, who was awarded the silver axe for being the best recruit in her initial training course class, is now riding in the back of the station’s appliance, though she still has to complete further training, chiefly the Breathing Apparatus (BA) course.
‘Congratulations on getting this far FF Plyer, it certianly isn't an easy task’ a spokesperson for Newton Abbot Fire Station said.
‘Carry on doing what you are doing.
‘You're well on your way to becoming an integrated member of our team’ the spokesperson added.
Newton Abbot Fire Station is on the look-out for more on-call fire-fighters.
It will be holding a ‘Have a Go Day’ on January 25.
For those interested, email [email protected] to book a place.