THE SOUTH Primestock Shows were been back in force in 2024 with all six of the local shows continuing with the welcome return of Plympton Primestock Show at their new venue just outside of South Brent.
The traditional Plympton, Churston, Totnes, Newton Abbot, Kingsbridge and Dartmouth shows all endured great success and found fantastic support across the board from exhibitors and spectators alike.
These fatstock shows celebrate the best in local farming, with farmers bringing their best livestock including cattle, sheep, Christmas poultry, vegetables and produce to compete in various categories in the shows.
The "Fatstock" refers to animals that have been fattened up for market, particularly those intended for meat production. These events are a key part of rural culture, providing an opportunity for farmers to showcase their stock and for buyers to bid on high quality meat products.
The South Devon Points Cup Competition has once again achieved its aim to support the cattle and sheep numbers and the number of entries for those classes at each show throughout this winter primestock showing season.
Devised back in 1999 between the committees, chairmen and secretaries of each show, the overarching competition for the cattle and sheep exhibitors to gain points for their attendance and judges placement at each of the local South Devon shows, strengthens exhibitor support and helps boost numbers and attainment throughout the circuit.
The points were awarded for the number of entries with further points gained for the positions achieved - the top being a highly coveted first, second or third prize.
Taking the top spot for cattle this year with a total of 131 points was B8J Quant of Redlands Farm, North Whilborough, near Newton Abbot, with J&A Darke of Coleridge Farm, Chillington, Kingsbridge came in second with 99 points.
G Renfree of Higher Tregrenna Farm, Alternun near Launceston was the winner for sheep with a total of 120 points, while R Bond from Colleen Farm, Blackawton, Totnes came and took the second palce with 60 points
The accrued points were totalled up at the finale held at the Dartmouth Fatstock Show, which took place in the unique location of the old Dartmouth Town Pannier Market on December 10
Here the presentations of the individual salver for the sheep with £100 prize money and the individual salver for the cattle with £200 prize money were awarded by the sponsors Francis Clark Accountants of Torquay and their representative Jess Baker.
Once again it has been great to see new, younger exhibitors in the cattle and sheep sections and it was very clear to see that the quality and standards of the livestock being shown have increased further, with all competitors vying to gain as many rosettes and championships as possible.
Support of these shows comes not only from the farming industry, but also from the wider community who are able to meet and discuss the virtues of the livestock on display and engage with one and another helping to educate and inform whilst connecting both rural and urban communities.