ASHBURTON Town Council has declared that selling off Kenwyn – a residential care home in the town under threat of closure – would be akin to selling off the family silver. In an open letter to Devon County Council's social services, clerk John Germon writes: 'The town council does not support this option as they agree that it amounts to 'selling the family silver' for short term accountancy gain and fails to address the essential issues. 'The location and site are too important as a community health and social care resource and should not be sold.' Instead, the council sketches out a preferred option – redeveloping the six-acre site with one or more third parties to enable services to be expanded for Ashburton and surrounding area. As possible partners, the council suggests not-for profit organisations, the private sector or the primary healthcare trust. The letter suggests that the list of services should include: residential care for the frail elderly; sheltered housing, respite care, day care, post operative care, assessment, therapy and rehabilitation facilities, a day centre and an advice and management centre. It also proposes a link with Plymouth University's Peninsular Medical Faculty to provide a revenue-generating training facility for staff. Mr Germon writes that the proposal has the full support of Ashburton Surgery and continues: 'Ashburton Town Council unanimously supports [this option]. ...They feel it is very important that every possible service should be sited on the Kenwyn site.' The Council also flags up the likely need for better facilities for the elderly-mentally infirm as more elderly people stay in their own homes.