A FORMER Special Constabulary Sergeant has been found guilty of gross misconduct.

Members of a misconduct panel found that former Special Constabulary Sergeant [SS] Victor Lafferty’s actions amounted to gross misconduct.

Special Sergeant Lafferty faced, and was found guilty of, the following allegations:

1) Between 01/06/21 and 07/04/22 when not on duty, viewed police intelligence systems being 1208 Storm Logs when he had no policing purpose for doing so.

2) Between 07/11/21 and 08/11/21 viewed a log of an incident at premises connected to the family of the officer.

3) Between 01/06/21 and 07/04/22 when on duty, viewed up to 80 logs without a policing purpose for doing so.

4) On 12/08/21 viewed logs relating to the Plymouth area having no policing purpose for doing so.

The above is in contravention of Devon and Cornwall police data policy and breaching standards of:

i) Duties and responsibilities,

ii) Confidentiality,

iii) Discreditable conduct.

The panel determined that had SS Lafferty been a serving officer he would be dismissed.

Head of Professional Standards, Superintendent Jo Arundale said: 'All of our officers are expected to fulfil their duties to high standards within policing and on this occasion, the officer has fallen below that expectation.

'As a result of his actions, he has undermined the public's trust and confidence in the police force.

'Conduct of this kind will not be tolerated within Devon & Cornwall Police and therefore this was the right and proper outcome.'