Sister Act is a musical comedy that effortlessly blends humour, heart, and gospel music. Based on the beloved 1992 film, this stage production is a joyous celebration of life, friendship, and the power of music.

The story revolves around Deloris Van Cartier, a nightclub singer who witnesses a murder and is placed in witness protection at a convent. Initially reluctant, Deloris soon finds herself drawn to the community of nuns and their simple lives. As she discovers her passion for singing and transforms the convent choir into a gospel sensation, she also learns valuable lessons about faith, forgiveness, and the importance of family.

The cast delivers outstanding performances, capturing the essence of each character with both comedic flair and emotional depth. The lead actress, Landi Oshinowo, shines as Deloris, bringing a vibrant energy to the stage and showcasing her powerful vocals. Her chemistry with the other cast members, particularly Mother Superior played by Wendi Peters of Coronation Street fame, creates a sense of camaraderie and warmth that is infectious.

The musical numbers are a highlight of the show, featuring a mix of original songs and classic gospel anthems.

The choreography is energetic and engaging, and the ensemble cast's harmonies are simply breathtaking, the choir of nuns in particular, lending their exceptional range of vocals and charisma, with clever casting meaning each nun is easily distinguishable from its film counterpart, with special mention to Eloise Runnette and Isabel Canning playing Sisters Mary Robert and Mary Patrick perfectly.

I have to admit to forgetting another of the key characters in the film, but was strongly reminded by a hilariously stunning performance from Alfie Parker as Police Chief Eddie Souther. Brilliant comedy, and his solo was just genius.

The stage design is visually stunning, creating a believable convent, yet also managing to imbue a vibrant and immersive world, at one point cleverly transforming the church altar into a bar for the next scene - the cross resting on top becoming a beer tap! (Sorry Lord).

Sister Act is a feel-good musical that is sure to leave you smiling. Its message of hope, redemption, and the power of music is universal and timeless. Whether you're a fan of the film or new to the story, this production is a must-see, although I feel they missed a trick with the exclusion of the iconic track’ (possibly due to royalty issues) ‘I will follow Him’ as it would have been the perfect ‘dance down the isles’ number to finish on although it is an adaptation.

The show is running until Saturday, August 31, so put on your glad rags (or nuns outfits as some punters preferred) and Hail Mary yourself down to the Princess Theatre, Torquay. It’s a great ‘habit’ to get into.