A Year six pupil at Wolborough C of E Primary and Nursery School, Newton Abbot, has achieved national success in the Doodle 4 Google – My Britain competition, run by internet search engine Google. Jason Keller's doodle has been picked from thousands of entries as one of only 30 in the country to go forward to be judged at an awards ceremony in London on November 6. The school is thrilled that Jason has excelled in the competition. 'We always encourage our children to participate in these types of challenges and we are proud and pleased that Jason has done so well,' said headteacher peter Ball. The winner of the national competition will have their doodle feature on the Google UK homepage and also win a trip to California to the Googleplex office and learn first hand from Google's original doodler designer Dennis Hwang. For reaching the regional final, Jason has been given a framed copy of his doodle. The doodle competition is designed to show what best represents Britain and what it means to be British.

googl-icious: Jason Keller, of Wolborough Primary School, Newton Abbot, with his eye-catching Google Doodle.
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