A TOWN council's Coronation-themed art competition is open for applicants.

Dawlish Town Council would like to know what His Majesty, King Charles III's Coronation means to the young people living in and around the town.

A spokesman for Dawlish Town Council said: 'Do you think of kings and crowns, the Coronation coach and horses, or flags and swords?

'Draw or paint us a picture of what you think the Coronation will look like, or should look like, and you could win a prize!'

The competition, which closes on Friday, April 28, will be judged by the Mayor of Dawlish and entrants must fall into one of the following age categories: 3-6 years, 7-10 years, 11-13 years and 14-16 years.

A prize will be awarded to the winner of each group on Sunday, May 7, at the bandstand on the lawn from 1.45pm.

It should be mentioned that, only one entry per young person is allowed, and the drawing/painting must be all the entrant’s own work and be on A4 size paper or card.

The artwork will be judged on how original and creative they are, and how much the judges enjoy them.

For more information, and to print off an entry form, visit the Dawlish Town Council website.