Chudleigh carnival week is here with events everyday culminating in the grand carnival procession on Saturday (July 20).

Throughout this week, the Chudfest has planned a range of activities including a skittles competition, a quiz, a horse-racing night and a six-mile road race

The ‘challenging and hilly’ Chudleigh Road Race starts at 7:30pm on Friday evening (July 19). The course starts and finishes outside the church and competitors will run through the town before heading out onto the lanes around Chudleigh.

Saturday’s grand carnival procession starts at 6pm and will include bands, street entertainers, walking entries and floats.

‘This year we’ve got more bands, drummers, stilt walkers and majorettes. Plus there are three different live entertainment acts on after the procession,’ said Chudleigh carnival organiser Terry Goldsworthy.

There are likely to be around 30 entries in this year’s carnival, which will be led by Chudleigh’s carnival royalty whose entry is themed as the Lion King.

Participants in the carnival procession should arrive at Chudleigh Primary school reception between 3:30pm and 4pm for registration. Judging will start at 4:15pm.

Chudleigh is one of only a few Teignbridge carnivals to run this year. Teignmouth and Newton Abbot are not running carnivals this year and Ashburton and Dawlish have downsized their processions to walking-only.