A BUSINESSMAN has been cleared of assaulting and obstructing police after the prosecution offered no evidence.

Daniel Heard was found not guilty at Exeter Crown Court but bound over to keep the peace for a year by Judge David Evans.

Heard, aged 25, of Andor Avenue, Kingsteignton, denied assaulting an emergency worker and two counts of obstructing police and was acquitted of all charges.

He was bound over for a year in the sum of £250 on condition he does not remain in an area when asked to leave by the police and that he complies with any reasonable request from a police officer. 

Miss Emily Pitts, defending, said Heard has had to return to Britain twice from Dubai, where he runs his own business, to contest the case.  

He has paid more than £7,000 in legal aid contributions which will now be refunded but is out of pocket for his travel expenses.

Judge Evans refused to make a defendant’s cost order after Mr Ryan Murray, prosecution, said Heard’s agreement to a bind-over implied some acceptance of wrong-doing.