BROWNIES in Ashburton have marked a major milestone celebrating their 100th anniversary. 

The Brownies, together with Ashburton District Friends of Guiding, organised a special tea-party to which past leaders and helpers were invited. Friendships were renewed and photos from previous years were displayed which prompted many memories of past activities.

The Brownies led the singing of some action songs and then cut an anniversary cake.

A highlight of the celebrations was the unveiling and blessing of a commemorative owl carved from cedar by a local chainsaw sculptor. 

As well as celebrating the Brownie 100-year anniversary, the owl was also to remember Lorna Harvey and Ruth Westall, two inspirational leaders who contributed so much to guiding in Ashburton. 

The sculpture has been placed in the garden of St Andrew’s Church Hall, Ashburton.

Ashburton has thriving Guide, Brownie and Rainbows units and new members are welcome.