THERE are still a few days left to nominate someone for one of the four Bovey Tracey Community Awards.

The four awards, established by the town council, are Community Champion 2023, Young Citizen of the Year 2023, Environmental Champion 2023, and Honorary Representative of the Lord of the Manor of Bovey Tracey 2023.

Nominations can be for individuals, voluntary groups or businesses that have made unselfish and highly valued contributions of their time to help those in need and meet the qualification criteria for being nominated for the particular Award. A panel of councillors and community representatives will select the winner of each award.

Residents, voluntary group colleagues, visitors or customers with a good experience or knowledge of the nominee’s activities are invited to make the nominations, preferably on-line, although paper submissions will be accepted if the proposer and seconder cannot access a suitable electronic device for that purpose and are unable to ask someone whom they know to help them put in their nomination.

The nomination process and awards criteria are set out on the council’s website (

The awards organiser, Cllr Tony Allen, said: ‘I would like to encourage everyone to submit their nominations. There are so many people in our community, quietly doing good deeds who deserve recognition for all they do.’

The deadline for submitting nominations Wednesday, March 8. The winner will be announced at the Annual Town Meeting on March 29.