ON the advice of South West Water (SWW), a Teignbridge primary school issued its pupils with bottled water and set up hand sanitiser stations after an issue with its tap water.

Parent with children at Starcross Primary School were made aware of the issue by headteacher Tara Trail, who, in an email distributed to parents on Wednesday, June 19, said she had alerted the water company after the school’s tap water appeared to be less clear than usual.

Children’s water bottles were emptied, bottled water was distributed and hand sanitiser was made available while the school waited for an engineer from SWW.

Ms Trail later confirmed to parents that the water was deemed safe after an enigineer attended the school this morning Thursday, June 20.

SWW said: ‘We were informed of discoloured water at Starcross Primary School yesterday afternoon and advised the school to run their taps until the water ran clear.

‘We have fully investigated the network to confirm there are no wider issues and have confirmed with the school that their water is now clear.’

South West Water received no other calls about discoloured water in the area.

In order to provide the school with further reassurance about their water supply, it is understood that SWW are taking water samples as a precaution.