A church in Ashburton has been burgled overnight (August 27/28) resulting in the loss of several valuable items.

The break-in at St Andrew’s was discovered this morning when wardens went to open the church.

Several valuable pieces have been taken including a processional cross and audiovisual equipment. A stained-glass window has been broken and several items in the vestry and sanctuary have been ripped up and damaged.

‘It’s a mess; it’s upsetting and very disappointing,’ said the Right Reverend Mark Rylands, team rector for the Ashburton and Moorland Mission Community. ‘But we have already had people coming in to support us and help tidy up,’ he added.

The family service planned for 10:30am on Sunday (September 1) will still go ahead, although certain aspects will be re-thought as there will be no TV screens.

‘I am extremely grateful for the many people in Ashburton who have sent messages of support and offered help with clearing up and repairing the damage,’ said the Right Reverend Mark. ‘As a community we will bounce back. We will also be praying for whoever did this,’ he added. ‘May St Andrew’s continue to be a beacon of hope and light in this community.’

Officers are appealing for anyone who witnessed any suspicious behaviour in the area or has any information which may assist the investigation, to contact police on 101 or via our website quoting 50240217307.

St Andrew’s has served the community of Ashburton since the 12th century. The church, which was rebuilt sometime in the 15th century, is located on West Street, a short walk from the town centre.