SOARING demand for help has led to a Teignbridge charity calling out for more volunteers. 

Citizens Advice Teignbridge says it needs volunteers now more than ever to help make a difference to the people of Teignbridge. 

The charity is launching an appeal for new recruits from all backgrounds who can give their time to help people struggling with energy prices, rising household bills, debt, employment issues and housing problems.  

Last year the charity saw unprecedented demand, supporting 6,837 people in Teignbridge. 

It is only through its team of volunteers that it is able to help. 

The charity says no experience is necessary as full training will be provided.

One volunteer, who joined almost a year ago, says he wanted something to do after taking early retirement. 

Keith, who is a volunteer assessor, said: ‘I wanted to do something meaningful and with purpose with my new found spare time. 

‘Volunteering enables me to use my skills and also develop new skills in areas I had not experienced previously. 

‘I get a good sense of achievement when helping others move forward with their problems.’

Citizens Advice Teignbridge volunteers come from all walks of life and choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. 

They include students; people getting back into work after career breaks; people with part-time jobs; carers; and people who’ve retired. 

Volunteers are often looking to gain valuable experience or to use their existing skills in new ways. For students in the area, volunteering can help build confidence and support career development with different learning opportunities. 

The service already has a number of student volunteers supporting people.

Vincent Willson, Chief Officer at Citizens Advice Teignbridge said: ‘Now more than ever, you can really make a difference by volunteering with Citizens Advice Teignbridge. 

‘Our frontline advisers are helping huge numbers with their energy bills, budgeting and debts, and sadly we expect this to only continue. 

‘As well as helping the local community, we know people who volunteer their time get a lot back. 

‘Whether it’s working as a team, learning new skills or campaigning on issues close to your heart, there are many fulfilling opportunities available. 

‘We’ll give you all the training you need and would love to hear from you.'

To find out more and apply, visit: or contact [email protected]

There will be face to face volunteer ‘taster’ sessions in September with a two hour presentation on the service and the volunteer opportunities available.

These will be on Thursday September 5 at 1pm, Tuesday September 10 at 10am both at the Newton Abbot office in Market Walk.