ALE was sampled at 13 pubs in Newton Abbot during an ancient town tradition. 

The Court Leet and Court Baron of the Manorial Borough of Newton Abbot held their Annual Ale Tasting. 

The ‘onerous’ task was led by official ale taster Carol Bunday. 

A certificate was given by Portreeve Allan Vizor to signify that the establishments do sell 'good ale here’ and a sprig of evergreen to hang at their door for luck.

The event was attended by Mayor Cllr Alex Hall.

Allan explained: ‘The hostelries within the Borough were very welcoming with a pint of ale or cider, demanded by the Bailiff Mike Hocking on behalf of Lord of the Borough Keith Stokes-Smith.’

A range of ales and ciders were tasted by the Court and the most welcoming hostelries and best ales will be judged by the company of courts followers at a later date.

A tankard The Bellamy Tankard will be given and presented to the winner.