FRIENDS and colleagues have gathered in a Dartmoor tea rooms to celebrate a stalwart of community life.

For the past 18 years Helen Dray has acted as driver co-ordinator for the Lustleigh Association of Drivers (LADS). 

The registered charity was set up some 30 years ago and provides a service taking clients to hospital appointments at Torbay and the RD&E.

Committee member and trustee Robert Harris said: ‘For more than half that time Helen has been integral.

‘There is a limited bus service from the village, and many of our passengers are frail or elderly and depend on us.

‘We have about 20 drivers, and Helen, the widow of the late Lustleigh-based master thatcher Mick Dray, would take calls and allocate available drivers. Helen is very proud that in all her time she has never let anyone down.’

Following her decision to retire, more than 40 friends met at the Primrose Tea Rooms to give Helen a proper send-off last week .

Robert said: ‘It was a thank you tea for the voluntary drivers in the village and it was an opportunity to thank Helen. The room was packed

‘Over 18 years, she has never failed to find a driver for someone who has needed one and she will be a difficult act to follow.’

Carol Lucas has now taken on the role of co-ordinator. 

At the special tea party, the chairman of LADS, Jeremy Grammar, presented  a hanging basket to Helen, who is now looking forward to spending more time with her five grandchildren.

Robert said: ‘LADS is a brilliant organisation run by the villagers themselves. Lustleigh is a great place to live. If there are any old people with any type of problem, there’s always someone to leap in and lend a hand.’

► If anyone would like to know more about LADS, or to volunteer, contact chairman Jeremy Grammar on 01647 277199