There are few things better than a day at the races, especially when pancakes enter the equation.
And with today being Shrove Tuesday it was extra special for pupils of Wolborough C of E School in Newton Abbot who took to the market square for the annual sport pancake racing.
Representing their respective teams Exe, Teign, Plym and Dart, all pupils took to their marks to battle it out for the sweet taste of victory - egged on by friends and family.

The course was a simple one - a relay race from one end of the market square to the other - two flips of the pancake (just one for younger pupils), and back again until each member of the team was completed the run.
And it was both Teign and Dart teams who took the honours this year by coming joint first with 16 points apiece.
The final race of the day featured members of staff who, dressed down in appropriately themed pancake costumes, competed against some of the older pupils.