THE terrifying strains of the Imperial March echoed across Shaldon Beach last Saturday night as Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers fought the Jedi heroes who had built an iconic Star Wars X-Wing Fighter on the sand earlier that day.
The Empire was duly defeated, and so the Jedi Knights (ably assisted by the Shaldon Water Carnival 2023 Royal Party, Lauren Acher and Leonie Miller) ensured that the Fighter went up in flames as a truly memorable Shaldon Bonfire for 2023.

The crowds for this free family event were then treated to a fantastic firework display set off from the Point at Teignmouth, and visible from around the estuary. This hugely popular annual event is organised by volunteers on Shaldon Parish Council and Teignmouth Town Council.
The donations received from those attending the Bonfire and Fireworks, and from local businesses, were again very generous and so the fantastic event will be back around Bonfire Night in 2024!